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SDK Expert

Eingestellt von Quanta Consultancy Services

Gesuchte Skills: Design


A SDK Expert is required by a Major Telecoms Vendor to act as SDK Expert is required within their Smartphone business group.. The desired candidate would work within a high level team focused around improving and creating the company`s current SDK tools within the smartphone OS..

The role and responsibilities:
To lead the telecom vendors SDK planning and design, identify and help to resolve the key technical risks, provide competitive their SDK solutions
To evaluate the companies current SDK offering
Define SDK strategy roadmap, identify the companies SDK competitiveness and the industry trends for next 3 to 5 years.
Provide SDK design solution, including the framework design, API, supporting tools and the ecosystem.
Identify and help to resolve the key technical risks

Desired Skills good communication in English and team work skills.


  • Einsatzort:

    Stockholm, Schweden

  • Projektbeginn:


  • Projektdauer:

    3 months + ext

  • Vertragsart:


  • Berufserfahrung:

    Keine Angabe

Geforderte Qualifikationen

  • Kategorie:


  • Skills:


Quanta Consultancy Services